On Principles.
On Principles.
On Principles.
On Principles.
Shared Vision Elevates The Team.
Lasting partnerships predicated on integrity, mutual respect/trust and a shared vision leads to success.
We launched Estancia with a clear set of company values. Our guiding principles include:
As business owners ourselves, we know that successful relationships are built on trust and earned mutual respect.
Aligning interests among all stakeholders is of paramount importance. Expansive equity incentives promote generational wealth-creation deep into the organization.
A private equity firm should not just contribute capital, but also actively engage and advise from a place of insight based on empirical experience.
A variety of approaches, experiences and perspectives contributes to better outcomes.
We run toward challenges, not away from them. Market dislocations often create entry opportunities. We bring strength, skill, and experience in the face of difficult and transformational events, often identifying opportunities that may not be apparent.
Stakeholders should have the right to influence outcomes. As a steward of our limited partner’s capital, we employ governance structures designed to provide appropriate levels of control, oversight, accountability and transparency.